国际标准分类中,sae as478-15涉及到航空航天用流体系统和零部件、焊接、钎焊和低温焊、航空器和航天器综合、黑色金属。 在中国标准分类中,sae as478-15涉及到基础标准与通用方法、焊接与切割、航空、航天材料基础标准。 美国机动车工程师协会,关于sae as478-15的标准 美国国防后勤局,关于sae as478-15的标准 ,关...
C1-478-02 台式高速离心分离机 ,AS185,规格:主体,最大转速(rpm):18500,C1-478-02,AS ONE,亚速旺 0 0 0 ¥ 7600.00 +- 件 0AH1151 C1-478-21 台式高速离心分离机 ,H1650-B,规格:主体,最大转速(rpm):16500,C1-478-21,AS ONE,亚速旺
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Lipophilic bis(crown ethers) containing 15-crown-5 and 18-crown-6 rings were synthesized so as to obtain excellent neutral carriers for K+- and Cs+-selective electrodes, respectively. The K+-selective electrode based on the dodecylmethylmalonate of bis (15-crown-5), (I)(n= 1, R = Me)...
A buffered composition containing a nonionic or anionic surfactant, and a certain amount of a hydroxamic acid (or salt thereof) or an acyl hydrazine can be used as a wash composition in specific binding assays. Such assays include the us... GL Snodgrass,c/o Eastman Kodak Co.,LD Sprague,....
khan-asfi-reza authored Nov 20, 2020 1 parent 3feb1ee commit 81fa70f Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 Template/base.html Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@...
作者: M Zayed,C Tourne-Peteilh,M Ramonda,G Rethore,P Weiss,J Martinez,G Subra,A Mehdi,JM Devoisselle,P Legrand 展开 摘要: Combined therapy is a global strategy developed to prevent drug resistance in cancer and infectious diseases. In this field, there is a need of multifunctional drug...
推重比:ws15在试飞时的推重比为9,后期发展计划为10。67 涡轮前温度:ws15的涡轮前温度为1447K。8 应用:ws15是歼-20战斗机的专用动力,已经进行过多轮测试,各项指标有了显著提升。4 f119发动机的具体参数和性能特点如下: 推力:f119的最大推力约为15.6吨,加力推力为156...