4.2.4 -8Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:22201469- SAE AS4059 Revision E 5. DETERMINATION AND REPORTING OF CLEANLINESS CLASS: 5.1 AS4059 Cleanliness Data Sheet: Because sampling, automatic particle counter calibration procedures, and other factors are so important in determining fluid ...
2.She will sing a song ___ she is asked.A.if B.unless C.for D.since3.We will work ___ we areneeded.A.whenever B.because C.since D.wherever4.Read it aloud ___ the class can hear you.A.so that B.if C.when D.although5.___you go,don't forget your people.A.Whenever B...
【推荐1】When you are having class in the early morning, it is not unusual to notice your classmate sitting beside you yawning. He ___ that he didn’t have a sound sleep the night before. Many ___ don’t get adequate sleep because they are burdened with too much homework, which...
由于当前欧元区经济陷入困境,通胀率远低于2022年的峰值,市场普遍预计欧洲央行将在1月会议上降息25个基点,这将是自2024年6月以来的第五次降息。 不过,Holzmann提醒道,欧洲央行的决定是基于数据的,最新的通胀数据在去年12月远高于2%,并可能在今年1月保持在这一水平。 “我将以开放的心态参与(关于1月降息的)讨论...