DSPAUT OBJ('/qsys.lib/qaanzlog.file') Figure 7-10. Display Authority-1 F11=Display detail data authorities Figure 7-11. Display Authority-2 在AS/400系统上,用户访问某一对象(Object)或完成某一任务的能力是受其操作系统OS/400控制的,OS/400控制是基于用户对对象或任务的权限(即访问对象或完成任务的...
AuthoritiescanbedisplayedviaIntegratedFileSystemCommand. DSPAUTOBJ('/qsys.lib/qaanzlog.file') Figure7-10.DisplayAuthority-1 F11=Displaydetaildataauthorities Figure7-11.DisplayAuthority-2在AS/400系统上,用户访问某一对象(Object)或完成某一任务的能力是受其操作系统OS/400控制的,OS/400控制是基于用户对对象...
It does not alter the user profile assigned to this object, impact the status of existing connections, or otherwise impact the user and authorities on which the application is running. The system name needs to be set prior to calling this method. Note: Providing an incorrect password ...
AS400系统介绍 IBMAS/400 谢宇鹏 AS/400的历史及其发展 ApplicationSystem?AdvancedSystem?IBMeServeriSeriesSystemi AS/400的历史及其发展 •第一代AS/400 AS/400前身诞生于七十年代末,当时的名字叫做S/38。集成的关系数据库、单级存储、虚拟存贮和面向对象的设计等。•第二代AS/400 1988年推出了AS/400的...
*RX The users are given*RX authority to perform basic operations on the object, such as running a program or displaying the contents of a file. The user is prevented from changing the object. *RX authority provides object operational authority and read and execute authorities. *RW The user ...
注册 论文 > 论文指导/设计 > AS400系统介绍 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 99阅读文档大小:2.13M47页jjf1022-91上传于2017-03-07格式:PPT AS400 操作系统基础 热度: AS400系统巡检维护报告 热度: 山特AS400干接点卡介绍 热度: IBMAS/400 AS/400AS/400 ...
Once you’ve determined how authorities are assigned, review who has special authorities on the IBM i and limit access for those who don’t need it. Not sure where to start? We recommend that businesses “keep the number of users with special authority to fewer than 10,” so use that as...
5、uthorization of objects、privileged instructions and special authorities等。用户类security officer ( *secofr)security administrator ( *secadm )system programmer( *pgmr )system operator(*sysopr)workstation user(*user )可操作对象自己拥有的对象他人授权访问的对象有公共权限的对象对象的权限*all (对象的...
AS400 Template Segment Risk Rank Controls Rank Audit Program Step Physical Security Keylock switch, on models where applicable, is not set to either M System Keylock switch set to Secured or Auto.MSource Physical inspection Tools N/A Reason Inappropriate functions can be performed from the system ...