Pd Clusters Containing As and PPh3 Ligands: The Structures of [Pd9As6 (PPh3)8], [Pd2(As2)(PPh3)4], and [Pd20As12 (PPh3)12]MICROEMULSIONSGELSPOLOXAMERSDIFFERENTIAL THERMOANALYSISX-RAY DIFFRACTOMETRYSURFACTANTSThe authors show the physical state of an oligotherapic silver preparation and prove ...
[Pd_16N_4(CO)_22(PPh3)_4r- (I) and [Pd_33Ni_9(CO)_41(PPh_3)_6]~(4-) (2) were obtained as the two major products from the reduction of PdCh(PPh_3)_2 with [Ni_6(CO)_12r-. Their crystal structures as [PPh4]+ salts were unambiguously determi... M Kawano,JW Bacon,Ch...
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ChemInform Abstract: Pd Clusters Containing As and PPh3 Ligands. Structures of Pd9As6(PPh3)8, Pd2(As2)(PPh3)4, and Pd20As12(PPh3)12organo‐palladium compoundsstructure (organic substancesThe title cluster (III) (space group P2 1 /n, Z=4), (IV) (Pn3, Z=2), and (V) (P1, Z=2)...
[Pd_16N_4(CO)_22(PPh3)_4r- (I) and [Pd_33Ni_9(CO)_41(PPh_3)_6]~(4-) (2) were obtained as the two major products from the reduction of PdCh(PPh_3)_2 with [Ni_6(CO)_12r-. Their crystal structures as [PPh4]+ salts were unambiguously determi... M Kawano,JW Bacon,Ch...
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