Synthesis of coumarins by the reaction of phenols with ethyl acetoacetate (Pechmann reaction) in presence ofdifferent Heteropoly acids (HPA) modified Bentonite (STA-Ben, PTA-Ben) as catalysts with high yields, under mild reaction conditions in short reaction time have been reported. HPA-Ben have ...
《增广贤文》中记载了很多关于世态炎凉的句子,如“有酒有肉多兄弟,急难何曾见一人”等等,讲述的是人们在生活富裕的时候,就有各种各样的人,前来攀亲道交情,而等到生活不顺,遭遇困难的时候,这些人就全都不见了,北宋名相吕蒙正,对于这种现象就有着非常深切的体会。 吕蒙正出生于944年,他的祖父吕梦奇是后唐的户部...
Synthesis and characterization of 2A-3SHPA decorated ZnS@CdS core-shell heterostructure nanowires as a fluorescence probe for antimony ions detectionCdSZnSNanowiresFluorescenceChemosensorsAntimonyA fluorescent probe based on CdS/ZnS core/shell heterostructure nanowires decorated with 2-Amino-3sulfhydrylpropanoic...