StandardsAustralia September2004. 29October 2004. CommitteeME-017: A.C.T.WorkCover AustralasianFire Authorities Council AustralasianRailways Association AustralianChamber AustralianIndustry Group AustralianInstitute AustralianPaint Manufacturers Federation InformationServices, S.A. Infrastructure,Energy Resources,Tas. ...
ameet the standards of the course 符合路线的标准[translate] aworld is ennui, Dorian. That is the one sin for which there is no forgiveness. But we are not likely to suffer from it, unless these fellows keep chattering about this thing at dinner. I must tell them that the subject is to...
My Hey-Day: Or, the Crack-up of the International Set, by Princess Tulip Murphy as told to Virginia Faulkner New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940 Share this: Bluesky More Like this:LikeLoading...
Philip Roth's latest novel, The Plot Against America, posits that Charles Lindbergh wins the 1940 presidential election as an isolationist and Nazi fellow-travelerdoi:10.1016/0021-8502(94)90385-9standardscalibrationaerosol analysisRegister J.Register J...
Metal-arc Welding In Mild Steel As Applied To General Building ConstructionBritish Standards Institution
Specification for aircraft material (emergency series) aluminium alloy sand or die castings (as cast) (suitable for pistons, etc.)Standards Australia
In the late 1960s, the Finnish democratic model started to became more market-driven, and with the increase in standards of living, the real tourist market opened up for Finns.doi:10.1080/1755182X.2013.868532AnttilaAnu-HannaRoutledgeJournal of Tourism History...
Genuine dry white lead (stack process)Standards Australia
Standards Australia
Specification for aircraft material (emergency series) phosphor bronze castings for bearings (including solid and cored sticks)Standards Australia