国际标准分类中,as 1692-2006涉及到信息技术应用、危险品防护、流体存储装置。在中国标准分类中,as 1692-2006涉及到工业控制机与计算技术应用装置。国际标准化组织,关于as 1692-2006的标准ISO/TS 10303-1692:2006 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第1692部分:应用模块:地带 澳大利亚标准协会,关于as 1692-...
The standard still seems to be empirically based, but allows adjustment now for density. There doesn't seem to be any let off for the 150m3 limit though. It may be necessary to design in accordance with AS1210 - not sure how conservative that will make the tanks though. AS1210 is ...
1995年香港渣打银行伍拾圆,F345678号1995 Standard Chartered Bank $50 (Ma S27a), s/n F345678. PMG EPQ66 Gem UNC HKD 3600 1993年香港渣打银行伍拾圆 - 一仟圆一组四枚A版。均全新1993 Standard Chartered Bank $50 - $1000, group of 4pcs with A prefix. HKD 2640 1987年香港渣打银行伍拾圆,纸...
澳洲建材市场常见的防火测试标准有AS1530.1,AS1530.2,AS153.3,AS3837等,南京睿督深耕澳洲防火测试多年,可以直接受理AS防火测试,今天与大家分享澳标AS3837测试,咨询电话:025-8658 3475,网址:www.fire-test.com AS 3837测试方法: AS/NZS 3837:1998 Australian / New Zealand Standard – Method of test for heat and...
2001年5月22日欧洲议会和理事会第1346/2001/EC号决定,修订了关于海港,内陆港和多式联运码头以及附件三第8号项目的第1692/96/EC号决定European Parliament, Council of the European UnionEuropean Parliament, Council of the European UnionEC (2001), Decision No 1346/2001/EC of the European Parliament and ...
The nutrient intakes were estimated in reference to the weight of each food item and the national standard food composition tables for Korean population, and evaluated in comparison with the nationally recommended dietary allowances (RDA). The intakes were essentially sufficient when evaluated on a ...
该标准规定了易燃及可燃液体储存容器的设计、制造与安装要求,旨在确保安全操作并减少潜在风险。涉及的内容包括材料选择、结构强度以及防火措施等。 ***此介绍可能不准确,请注意参考原文。 购买 正式版AS 1692:1983相似标准ULC 676-2020 易燃和可燃液体储罐翻新标准 CAN/ULC-S676:2020 易燃和可燃液体储罐翻新标准 CAN...
AS 1692:2006(R2016)的标准全文信息,易燃和可燃液体用罐, Tanks for flammable and combustible liquids, Tanks for flammable and combustible liquids, 提供AS 1692:2006(R2016)的发布时间、引用、替代
易燃和可燃液体用罐, Tanks for flammable and combustible liquids, Tanks for flammable and combustible liquids, 提供AS 1692:2006(R2016)的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果