AS 1481:1974由澳大利亚标准协会 AU-SA 发布于 1974-11-01。AS 1481:1974 结构中预应力混凝土的使用规则(公制单位)(称为 SAA 预应力混凝土规范 公制)的最新版本是哪一版?最新版本是 AS 1481:1978 。AS 1481:1974的历代版本如下: 1977年 AS 1481:1978 结构中预应力混凝土的使用规则(称为 SAA 预应力混凝土规范)...
Firefighters examine the explosion site on the outskirts of Multan, Pakistan on Jan. 27, 2025. Five people were killed and 31 others injured when fire engulfed a resident colony in Pakistan's eastern Punjab province in the early hours of Monday, officials said. The incident happened at about ...
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OracleAS Metadata Repositoryが同じ場所に配置されたInfrastructureに存在する場合は、Oracle Universal InstallerによるOracleAS Identity Managementのアップグレード中にデータベースが自動的にアップグレードされます。OracleAS Identity Managementインストールのサービスを使用しているすべての中間層を停...
which is can display normally in AS 3.2.1. and I update AS to version 3.3.1, you can see that R2 is red in IDE, but it can be run and build apks and can be debug in AS. anyway I tried all the idea in the net, and I still cannot resolve the problem. ...
As he grew older, Little Tom came to realize the importance of study. 309 随着年龄的增长 专辑:人生,需要自渡 天琪热播剧场00:23346 224英语翻译 专辑:小品一家人 | 爆笑生活日常 森宇股份01:021.6万 572 用英语翻译今天的标题 专辑:学英语环游世界 ...
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github-actions bot deleted the workflows/tests/push-as-app/id-13211231002/run-2717/attempt-1/sha-8730912b56eda3d1481df9b02707dda9cf26f97a branch February 8, 2025 02:06 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Reviewers No reviews...