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general acid number (mg koh/g) 0.10 maximum appearance clear, oily liquid autoignition temperature astm 2155 400 °c (752 °f ) minimum color purple, essentially equivalent to intensity and hue standard product deion skydrol pe-5 was developed to meet and exceed the more demanding type v fluid...
MOBIL HyJet V 美孚5号液压油 SAE AS1241D TYPEV 北京海润泽众科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥170.00/桶 河南郑州 Skydrol LD-4阻燃航空液压油 首诺AS1241标准液压 油 在线交易 72小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 河南航材科技有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥999.00/千克 河南郑州 石科院4356航空液压油 耐高低温抗...
* * @SWG\Tag(name="/api/v1/user") * @SWG\Response( * response=200, * description="Create a new user", * @Model(type=User::class) * ) * @SWG\Parameter( * name="user", * in="body", * @Model(type=UserType::class) * ) * * @View( * serializerGroups={"userDetail"} *...
attribute buffer_type : string; attribute buffer_type of sfp_tx_fault_in : signal is "none"; attribute buffer_type of sfp_mod_detect_in : signal is "none"; attribute buffer_type of sfp_los_in : signal is "none"; Revision History: ...
attribute buffer_type : string; attribute buffer_type of sfp_tx_fault_in : signal is "none"; attribute buffer_type of sfp_mod_detect_in : signal is "none"; attribute buffer_type of sfp_los_in : signal is "none"; Revision History: ...