<span>AS-RFID-R40 RFID远距离读写器是具有单个读写通道的UHF读写器,内含有射频(RF)模块、数字信号处理、输入/输出端口,前端可连接ZT-915TY或ZT-915TP型天线,后端可通过RS232、RS485、韦根26 (34)和TCP/IP协议网络端口(RJ-45 )连接上位机,实现远距离、多个无源RFID标签
Software as a Service (SaaS) has been a dominant information technology (IT) news topic over the last few years. It is a new phenomenon where software as a digital product, instead of being locally installed and delivered as a product, has been shifted to being installed in data centers an...
Originalism as a Shot in the Arm for Land-Use Regulation: Regulatory Takings Are Not Compensable under a Traditional Originalist View of Article I, Section 18 of the Oregon ConstitutionThe Oregon Constitution, in common with the Federal Constitution and the state constitutions of the other forty...
1987年5月18日第1389/87号理事会条例(EEC)作为一项自主措施,对属于共同关税子目02.01 a II a)和02.01 a II b)范围内的优质,新鲜,冷冻或冷冻牛肉实行特别进口关税配额 发布日期: 1987-05-18 发布单位: Council of the European Union CCS: B50/59 农业、林业 - 水产、渔业 ICS: 67.120 食品技术 - 肉...
Ranked #9 of 19 Restaurants in Machias 17 Reviews NicheAssociates Live Oak, Florida 9336 Reviewed August 14, 2016 This is a fun place for take out that is a good price and good food Love the food and people that run the business. Went there twice; once for schni...
Test container (1) for a control device for containers, with a plurality of first marking rings (2) which the test container to predetermined, fixed heights surrounded, at least in sections, and a plurality of in a longitudinal direction (l) of the test container extending marking lines (4...
人物简介: 一、吴然担任职务:担任汕尾尚通贸易有限公司监事;二、吴然的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,吴然与赵志华、张昌华为商业合作伙伴。 财产线索 线索数量 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 合作伙伴 了解老板合作关系 ...
在实验各时相分别取大鼠心肌做线粒体悬浮液,在ELITE-ESP流式细胞仪上同时检测线粒体前向角散射(FSC),线粒体90°侧向角散射(SSC)和线粒体内Rh123的荧光强度值(FL1),采用SPSS统计软件进行统计分析.结果:(1)与A组相比,B1组FSC值略微升高,无... 刘涛波 - 中国生理学会全国青年生理学工作者学术会议 被引量...
Sport in Society (SIS), a Northeastern University Center, which operates the Disability in Sport in order to provide appropriate programs and services for people with disabilities into the Hums,MA 'The Conscience and Commerce of Sport Management: One Teacher's PerspectiveHums, Mary A...