60AS105-K06N1 品牌名称Rosenberger 商品型号60AS105-K06N1 商品编号C6457555 包装方式 袋装 商品毛重 1克(g) 数据手册 商品参数 参数纠错查看类似商品 属性参数值 商品目录 RF衰减器 频率范围 0Hz~8GHz 功率 5W 属性参数值 阻抗 50Ω 衰减值 6dB
Therefore, many people are now choosing natural-based drinks as healthier alternatives to refined sugar. In addition, consumers are now searching for functional drinks that help to alleviate their diseases. Flavonoids are the main bioactive compounds in plants, with many beneficial effects towards non...
摘要: 张长青教授1996年以优异的成绩完成上海医科大学骨科学博士学位,为进一步提高科研能力和研究水平,博士毕业后他进入第二军医大学博士后流动站从事研究工作,并于1998年作为高级访问学者赴日本开展合作研究,回国后来到上海交通大学附属第六人民医院从事骨科临床与科研工作.关键词:...
xxiv Edward Imwinkelried(1991), The Debate in the DNA Cases Over the Foundation for the Admission of Scientific Evidence: The Importance of Human Error as a Cause of Forensic Misanalysis, 69 WASH. U. L. Q. 19 (1991)... EJ Imwinkelried 被...