As-is process analysis or current state analysis is a process management strategy that identifies and evaluates a business’s current processes. Current state analysis can focus on an entire business organization or on one or more specific processes within a department or team. There are several ke...
Developing and populating As-Is and To-Be BPMN diagrams is an effective technique for turning a vision into results. The As-Is diagram offers a detailed overview of the current state of the organization's process, culture, and capabilities. The To-Be diagram, on the other hand, provides an...
aGeneral Administration of Customs 習慣の概要の管理[translate] aDescribe the sub process differences with AS IS process. 描述次级处理区别与象过程。[translate]
PET Hub的积累过程(AS-IS)是一个系统化的过程,用于收集和分析PET(正电子发射断层扫描)数据。这个过程开始于患者接受PET扫描,然后生成大量的数据。这些数据被发送到PET Hub,在那里它们被存储并进行分析。分析的目的是确定患者的健康状况,例如是否存在癌症或其他疾病
If you’re new to the concept of as-is process analysis, don’t worry, it’s exactly what it sounds like. As-is process analysis is simply the analysis and documentation of a business process as it currently exists. Typically, the first step in as-is analysis is to create a swimla...
What is an as-is process map? An as-is process map represents a workflow or procedure as it currently functions — helping teams and leaders understand what’s happening now, at a glance. Here are some of the ways it can add value. Onboard and train new hires It’s difficult and ti...
Castela, N., Zacarias, M., Tribolet, J.: PROASIS: As-Is Business Process Model Mainte- nance. In: Harmsen, F., Grahlmann, K., Proper, E. (eds.): Practice-Driven Research on En- terprise Transformation, pp. 53-82. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2011)...
1[多维运用](1)写出下列句中 process的含义①As we all know, education is a gradual process andpeople are gradually aware of its importance.②It will take a week for your application to be processed.③This was the first stage of the printing process. 2【题目】[一词多义]——写出下列句中 ...
热心市民小叔 - process is as (DJ版)
backdoor-apk is a shell script that simplifies the process of adding a backdoor to any Android APK file. Users of this shell script should have working knowledge of Linux, Bash, Metasploit, Apktool, the Android SDK, smali, etc. This shell script is provi