上海玉博生物科技有限公司做为anaspec代理商之产品AS-72129-SensoLyte® 520 Thrombin Activity Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit 的产品销售公司,专业经营原装进口抗体(单克隆、多克隆)、重组蛋白、检测试剂盒、标准品、细胞因子、胎牛血清、细胞培养类等生物试剂以及耗材。 ATCC sigma anatrace caroteNature NIBSC ...
Twelve out of these 24 vertebrae were demineralized and the others served as control. A hole was opened in the pedicles of each vertebrae and the bone mineral density was measured. Each vertebra was then placed into a beher-glass filled with hydrochloric acid decalcifier solution. The decalc...