Tessa : This man's as useless as a fart in a jam jar. Tessa : Cooper, that trollop. That man would shag an open wound. Ned : And where did you two meet ? Rachel : At my wedding. Tessa : but it's such a short time, how can you be sure ? Rachel : I knew after ...
I hope you'll have it rammed down your throat that you're a useless parasite. Marianne : Tell me, why do I enjoy sex now? I do everything he asks. Johan : Just you wait. When you're married to him, everything will repeat itself. Just you wait and see. Your behavior's ...
Write more "useless" software Practice: CodinGame Codewars Exercism Experimentation 8 annoying A/B testing mistakes every engineer should know Functional programming (FP) Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming Functional Programming & Haskell 🎞: some good reasons to learn FP! Functional Programming Fun...
yes, you could log sex as a workout ... if you want to tell everyone who reads your log when you have sex. That strikes me as odd ... it's one thing to say sex is good, or no sex is bad , or how can I get my husband to have sex with me , but when you propose noting...
Largely useless. bFlushBuildDirOnRemoteMac .xml -FlushMac Whether to clean Builds directory on a remote Mac before building. bPrintToolChainTimingInfo .xml -Timing Whether to write detailed timing info from the compiler and linker. bParseTimingInfoForTracing -Tracing Whether to parse timing data ...
【1】 A.bright B.useless C.simple D.hopeful 【2】 A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing 【3】 A.low B.poor C.good D.useful 【4】 A.support B.happiness C.surprise D.thing 【5】 A.agreed B.decided C.planned D.told 【6】 A.me B.them C.her D.it 【7】 A...
my GPS useless to me since BIGDATA-50. Their flat low collars, fluted sleeves, plus the chemical sampling in the air narrows my scope to either theHighlandsorGladesin South Central FL., but it is the length, cut, color and pattern of their under-clothing that tells me they are from th...
These words sound like something out of a drama, so unrealistic and useless for daily use. Is that why it makes me feel uneasy? There is an end in sight, negative associations. Why did she tell me that? Was it an accepting ‘ok’ or a desperate ‘why’? What did she expect me to...
James Bond : Well, obviously it's useless as a bullet. I mean, Sir, who would pay a million dollars to have me killed? M : Jealous husbands, outraged chefs, humiliated tailors. The list is endless! M : I'm relieving you of your present assignment, 007. James Bond : Sir, the...
“The Republican Party as a whole, they have become increasingly more and more useless. The Republican Party is about as needed or as useful as a hotel key card after checkout,” Johnson told POLITICO's Global Playbook author Suzanne Lynch. “They don't serve a purpose anymore....