He would have had this opportunity in Europe as well, since the Qur’an had been translated into Latin by the twelfth century as part of a new missionizing effort on the part of Christians, especially Dominicans and Franciscans: Martī�nez Gázquez, “Trois traductions”; Martī�nez ...
Following Holliday (2010): 74) we wish to question the resistant “lack of belief that the non-Western Other can be complex and sophisticated just like us.” Through our discussions of research on the Chinese international student, we discovered that one particular aspect had been entirely ...
Minors as Patriarchs and Popes Onouphrios, Archimandrit von S. Salvatore de Lingua Phari, und die Erzbischöfe von Messina Joannes Damascenus auf der Schulbühne: Zum byzantinischen Ikonoklasmus im Jesuitendrama des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts Index Readers are also interested in: Boo...