The meaning of FOLLOW is to go, proceed, or come after. How to use follow in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Follow.
Yes, Wodehouse characters use it as a synonym for “chap”. But at around the same time (1927), AP Herbert is using it in one of his “Misleading Cases” as an example of a word that cannot be libellous because it has no meaning. “…one man might say to another, ‘You are a ...
14 SPECIFIC/ TECHNICAL HISTORY IN THE LANGUAGE cardiac interrogate lexeme FORMAL cordial question term GENERAL hearty ask word Anglo-Saxon Middle English TIME Early Modern English Figure 1.6 The correlation between lexical origin and register a courtly, formal register from Norman French and an intellect...
The sad thing is for a long time I pushed to get my 20 patients every month. I pushed. There was times where I actually tried… So if you do well and bring in more for the company, you do well by getting more from them. They're keeping you happy as long as you're doing well...
If the saving() option is not specified, bmaregress saves simulation results in a temporary file for later access by postestimation commands. This temporary file will be overridden every time bmaregress is run and will also be erased if the current estimation results are cleared. saving() may...
Some will gain in volume (importance) over time; but most after a while either disappear, by bursting into thin air or by gliding into a different spot. Some bubbles indicate the location of bars that on a regular basis provide time and space for lo-profile improvisational and electronic ...
Given the Christian premise of the creation of the world by God, the Fall must have been an event in time. The idea of creaturely rebellion permitted by God, that is, the premundane fall of an angelic being (Satan) or the fall of Adam or both, therefore, is seen to be as ...
As inflation goes through the system, not all asset prices go up at the same time. In the current and also many other inflations, the current cost of food and energy are going up at disproportionate rates versus other asset classes, which disproportionately hits the lower income brackets. ...
Debt allows transactions to take place that are not precisely at the same time and place.I can order goods and have them delivered to my home. An employer can pay me for a month’s work with a check, rather than needing to give me food or some other barter item corresponding to each...
The fact of the matter is, most of the uber-successful entrepreneurs I know hedge their bets and place small bets while keeping one foot on secure ground. This often includes testing the waters while employed full-time, as Rick himself did before creating World 50 from nothing. Most of them...