"Unusual As Usual" The Stomach Churning Act of Mac Norton (Podcast Episode 2021) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Yep, for now that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I did watch the first episode, but man, it was tough to get through it, and I have never thought of myself as having a weak stomach. Let’s just say that episode brought out the wimp in me. After that, I lost the thread ...
Lois Lane:Doesn't help that stupid intern Jeff took the last stupid maple donut from the stupid donut box. Clark Kent:[speeding away and returning with Jeff's donut]Here you go. My eyes are bigger than my stomach this morning. Lois Lane:No. Okay, I'd love to. ...
But a White House spokesperson posted a transcript of the remarks suggesting the phrasing had been misinterpreted, and that Biden meant the Trump “supporter’s demonization of Latinos is unconscionable.” The spokesperson, Andrew Bates, said Biden had “referred to the hateful rhetoric at the Madis...
I lift weights and come down with stomach pains a few days later. And then there’re these abdominal aches on my left side …” “Deevertiks.” “What?” “Could be the pesky deevertiks. My-kal, have you been diagnosed with diverticulitis before?” “Diverticalitis?” “See, when ...
(The heroine of Erich Segal’s Love Story dies of leukemia - the ‘white’ or TB-like form of the disease,for which no mutilating surgery can be proposed - not of stomach or breast cancer.) A disease of the lungs is,metaphorically,a disease of the soul.[5] Cancer,as a disease that...
This is where the notion of ‘butterflies in the stomach’ takes a completely different meaning when two lovers meet, versus two people shouting at each other in extreme anger. All individuals involved in these very different scenarios, would report experiencing butterflies in the stomach with ...
On the boat ride back to our accommodations I started to feel tired and then the onset of a familiar chill that I’d experienced the week prior when I’d come down with a fever and stomach bug when in Mexico. While the symptoms had been lingering, I’d been feeling better each day,...
Well, that I had all four of them and my stomach's still reasonably flat. No. I said, "Yes, I'm a mother of four" like I'm a Duggar. They're all accidents. They know. Happy accidents. It's not an easy place to raise kids. ...
the special Christmas pudding because of the trouble and expense of the candied fruits (in all likelihood, handmade ahead of time) and the mincemeat. My mother loved mincemeat, I could never stomach it. When I was young and couldn’t read, I always assumed mincemeat was made with meat. I...