Summary Just three decades after the birth of Latino/a theology, scholars rooted and defined within, and by, Latino/a culture and the broad canvas of the Christian faith, have engaged the traditional fields of mainstream theology with a questioning eye and a direct confrontation of systems and ...
Sencion’s studio walls are covered with artwork that seeps onto the furniture. Above him is a piece called “God, Will I Still Be Gay in Heaven?”
The structure will be, in the first section, descriptive and analytical, focusing on facts of the Brazilian reality, mainly regarding the loss and lack of social, cultural, and identity memories, taking as sources of analysis Brazilian films that deal with themes related to memory. In a second...
The Relevance of the Abrahamic Covenant to Israel and the People of God Based on its Form and Function as Viewed from the Old TestamentADRENALS/tumorsGONADOTROPINSOVARY/physiologyKING JT, VISSCHER MB, CASAS CB.doi:10.2307/3275986Federation Proceedings...