In theUnit pricefield, enter the purchase price for an item unit. If the purchase price of a fixed asset is less than the value that is specified in theMax cost of the NVFAfield on theFixed assets parameterspage, excluding the sales tax value, the item is considered an NVFA. In this...
Credits the asset acquisition value and debits depreciation because you no longer own the asset. Records a loss ofUSD 31,523.77, which is theNet book valueof the asset when you scrapped it. The main account on the journal line comes from the fixed asset posting profile forDisposal -...
Answer to: A fixed asset is classified as a/an: a. current asset. b. non-current asset. c. intangible asset. d. contra-asset. By signing up, you'll...
Consultation”,suchastolink the permitted rate of return onallfixed assetsofthe power companies to their achievement [...] 在政府與兩家電力公司就2008年利潤管制計劃安排的 商討方面,我們正跟進於《香港電力市場未來的發展第二階段 諮詢文件》中提出的多項建議,例如,將電力公司...
Computer software may seem like an intangible asset but, in some cases, it should be classified on balance sheets as property, plant, and equipment (PP&E).
In theAsset classificationfield, select one of the following options to classify the fixed asset depending on the acquisition value of the fixed asset: Low value– Categorize the fixed asset as a low value fixed asset. Lump sum– Categorize the fixed asset a...
Click Fixed asset to create a fixed asset, and then enter the required details. For more information, see (RUS) Create fixed assets.On the General FastTab, in the Type field, select Realty.Click the Technical information FastTab, and then, in the Date of the registration field, select ...
Fixed-asset investment grew 4.2 percent year on year, with that rate being 1.2 percentage points higher than the 2023 full-year growth rate. Monday's data also shows that the country's surveyed urban unemployment rate was 5.3 percent in February, which was 0.1 percentage points higher than in...
7. The capital allocation line is also the ___. A) investment opportunity set formed with a risky asset and a risk-free asset B) investment opportunity set formed with two risky assets C) line on which lie all portfolios that offer the same utility to W...
Retail sales of consumer goods climbed 5.5 percent year on year in the period as people increased their spending during the Spring Festival holiday. Fixed-asset investment grew 4.2 percent year on year, with that rate being 1.2 percentage points higher than the 2023 full-year growth rate. ...