abbreviation for 1.(Military) (formerly, of weapons or warfare) atomic, biological, and chemical 2.(Broadcasting) Australian Broadcasting Corporation 3.(Broadcasting) American Broadcasting Company 4.(Marketing) Audit Bureau of Circulation 5.(Peoples)AustralAustralian-born Chinese: a person with Chinese...
2. To equip with what is needed for effective action: tax advisers who were armed with the latest forms. 3. To provide with something that strengthens or protects: a space reentry vehicle that was armed with a ceramic shield. 4. To prepare (a weapon or electronic system, such as an al...
Abbreviation: PARPi: PARP inhibitors Full size imageAvailability of data and materials No datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.Abbreviations BRCA1: BReast CAncer gene 1 BRCA2: BReast CAncer gene 2 HR: Homologous Recombination PARP inhibitor-PARPi: Poly ADP-ribose ...
Based on tools and utilities from the idea of RINV (Rapid Implementation aNd Verification), our proposed platform implements tools in pre-processing, post-processing, augmentation, visualization, and other phases needed in medical image analysis. Five tasks, concerning lung, liver, brain, chest, ...
Holbrook was pregnant with Jackson when she learned he would be born with half a heart, a genetic condition known as CHARGE. According to the National Institutes of Health, "CHARGE is an abbreviation for several of the features common in the disorder: coloboma, heart defects, atresia choanae ...
Abbreviation: NIV, non-invasive ventilation. Ribeiro et al Proposals for Improvements to Optimize the Design of the Short Binasal Prong From the results of research stages I and II, the team of this study identified the need to improve short binasal prongs in five requirements: safety, ...
abbreviation independent practice association; individual practice association Note: An independent practice association is made up of a group of physicians in private practice who join in an association that contracts with a managed health-care plan (as an HMO) to provide medical services to patie...
Abbreviation used NP nail plate Introduction Curly nails are clinical finding in which the distal nail plate (NP) grows in an undulating and wavy fashion. Although it is a benign nail condition, it may be underreported and cause distress because of limited functionality and unsightly appearance. ...
Abbreviation as in Figure 1. To determine LVdys, time-radial strain curves for all the 6 myocardial segments were automatically constructed from LV short-axis images obtained at the papillary muscle level with the speckle tracking algorithm, by which the time from QRS onset to peak radial strain...
The ABCD rule40is a method that medical experts use to identify if a mole is benign or cancerous. The abbreviation ABCD stands for the following rules. The letterAsignifies the word asymmetry, which denotes that the mole's two sides differ.Bstands for border, emphasising jagged, notched, une...