A pocket dictionary of English and Tamil, giving the nomenclature employed as well by the lower as the higher classes of natives, the Tamil words being printed both in English and in the native character /John Ouchterlony
In a seminar class, there may be no exams, but students are expected to read rather widely on topics and be prepared for thorough discussion of them in class. Another possibility in graduate classes is that in addition to readings done by all students, each student may also be expected to ...
“Hygge”—originally from a Norwegian word meaning “wellbeing”—doesn't have an exact equivalent in English. It’s often translated as cosiness, or “cosiness of the soul.” But, as translator ToveMaren Stakkestad explains: “Hygge was never meant to be translated. It was meant to be ...
For instance, we find Netumpalliyattaṉār, a male, and Neṭumpalliyattai, a female, both names meaning ‘great one of many musical instruments’ among the Caṅkam poets. The Tamil bards played as important a role with respect to Tamil kingship as the Brahmin played with respect ...
Also, greed and lust are seen as bad, since they appear after the kṛta yuga, meaning after the first age of a mahayuga during which everything is perfect (Doniger-O’Flaherty 1976, p. 29). Eating to resolve hunger is not necessarily evil, but it is when one eats improperly (Do...
TAMIL— Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType Representa o valor de Unicode para o dígito zero do conjunto de dígitos tamil. tan(angleRadians:Number)— Método estático , classe Math Calcula e retorna a tangente do ângulo especificado. tapLocalX— Pr...
private void PopulateGallery(string? productId) The type 'string' must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'System.Nullable<T>' All replies (5) Wednesday, January 25, 2012 6:32 PM ✅Answered ...
Microbes hold immense potential, based on the fact that they are widely acknowledged for their role in mitigating the detrimental impacts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which were extensively employed during the Green Revolution era. The consequence of this extensive use has been the degradatio...