Displacement and velocity are vector quantities. A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction.Vector quantities may be combined by vector addition to find their resultant.II Acceleration is equal to the rate of change of velocity.Acceleration is a vector quantity.The gradient of a velocity-...
When the mass is less gravitation is less. The moon has less mass than the earth. Since the moon has much less mass than the earth it has much less gravitational force than the earth. 1.Which of the following is NOT true? A. Few people on the earth would pay much attention to the...
国际单位制(SI Units)是一套基于七个基本量的单位系统。 1. **基本量和单位**:回忆以下基本量及其单位:质量(mass, kg),长度(length, m),时间(time, s),电流(current, A),温度(temperature, K)。 2. **导出单位**:导出单位是基本单位的乘积或商。例如,速度的单位是米/秒(m/s),是长度单位米(m)除...
The stress is calculated as \sigma =mg/A, where m is the mass of the added weights, g is the gravitational acceleration, and A is the surface area of the sample. The strain is calculated as \epsilon =L/L_0, where L is the length decrease caused by deformation, and L_0 is the ...
The equivalent diameter of the total mass of liquid being atomized is an obvious upper bound, but it is also very unlikely that droplets with d > h where h is the initial film thickness will be observed. It is reasonable to put this film thickness on the scale of 1 mm, which ...
A spring that is stretched acquires a potential energy and increases its mass. Binding energy among nuclei and quarks makes also the mass of neutrons and protons (99% of the mass is binding energy due to the strong force). After all potential energy is also said to be 'stored energy', ...
Weight is a term that is used to describe the gravitational force that is exerted by the Earth on us and every other object. Weight differs from mass in that mass measures how much matter makes up an object. Weight is a ...
There is an offset trajectory between the link and the motor, which increases safety by preventing sudden movements, and the offset is equivalent to the torsional elastic spring constant. The proposed control law is based on a backstepping approach tested in real-time experiments with robust ...
If SP formed when Pluto was much closer to the Sun26, random encounters would probably have been faster; in this case our scenarios might apply to a collision with a massive satellite of Pluto or to the last major event in Pluto’s original accretion, because the mass ratios, angles and ...
River bed-load transport is a kind of dense granular flow, and such flows are known to segregate grains. While gravel-river beds typically have an “armoured” layer of coarse grains on the surface, which acts to protect finer particles underneath from e