~や、はas soon asの意味になると思いましたが正確にはわからない。 XYLLK 2021年7月30日 中文(簡體) 中文(繁體,香港) 中文(繁體,臺灣) @blkcffe: すみません、この言葉は文法の解釈ですか😳 tkhato20 2021年7月30日 日語 https://nihongonosensei.net/?p=3722#:~:text=%E5......
1. Let her sleep well, you shouldn't call he now.2. I always feel depressed on a rainy day.3. After a long time I met her the other day, she is as kind as ever/ I met her the other day after a long time, she is as kind as ever.4. I am not usually indecisive, but ...
Thanks!Your examples are mostly on adjectives, except 背が伸びている where a verb 伸びる is qualified I suppose. That's how I suppose ずっと qualifies 変わる in the sentence I've quoted. I'm wondering how different the two sentences are that warrants different interpretations in ずっと....