especially for small private firms. Due to an inherently high level of opacity, small private firms are primarily reliant on banks for debt financing. Although banks possess resources and skills in extracting and incorporating soft information in credit risk assessments (Petersen2004), deriving...
Notes 1. Vulnerable, derived from “late Latin vulnerabilis, from Latin vulnerare to wound, from vulner-, vulnus wound; probably akin to Latin vellere to pluck, Greek oulē wound” as defined in Merriam-Webster Dictionary On-Line. 2. Stuart Lane’s (University of Lausanne) wonder...
level SF calls of the programme period 2014–2020 have a specific focus on the mitigation of the economic and societal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. increased unemployment, social exclusion). In addition, TAMK has reacted to the COVID-19 specific calls (e.g. Business Finland) ...
However, some scholars have questioned the effectiveness of value sharing at the employee level. Richter and Schrader (2017) show that ESOP does not have a clear effect on improving productivity. The greater the number of non-management shareholders, the higher the agency cost (Ang et al., ...
it's common for people in pakistan to send voice notes to one another instead of sending a text or email. so, it makes sense to create an app that relies on voice commands rather than typing out long queries. and the proj...
Negroponte (1995) notes that digitalisation has created a new living space, and people in the digital age live more in the virtual space constructed by digital technology. What is emphasised here is that while people study, work and communicate in this space, regardless of whether it is actual...
Notes: (1) This table presents only the significant impacts of volatility indices on gold prices. (2) GLDP = Gold prices, VIX = Financial market volatility, OVX = Oil volatility, EVX = Energy volatility, GVX = Gold volatility, SVX = Silver volatility, EMVX = Emerging markets volatility, ...
Notes: This table presents the sample statistics and pairwise correlations between the returns of stocks (SPX500 and CCMP), treasuries (ITRROV and USGGR5YR), and cryptocurrencies (BGCI and BTC), in addition to the changes in capitalization of stablecoins (the ABMG Index) from January 05, ...
In addition, we found facilitators’ network position to be related to their level of business-like behavior. Those with more central positions in the network (higher betweenness centrality) tend to show more business-like behavior. Facilitators also tend to show more business-like behavior when ...
Notes One household was dropped because it moved away. The data used are from May 2008 to April 2011. We define the crop year 08/09 as the 12 months from May 2008 to April 2009, the crop year 09/10 from May 2009 to April 2010, and the crop year 10/11 from May 2010 to April ...