商品名称:OHM【日本直邮 日本发货】护眼台灯多档位调光居家卧室办公学习专用 AS-L8095-2B-W【白色】【需变压器】 商品编号:10091526929889 店铺: 五社海外专营店 类别:读写台灯 最大瓦数:≤5W 固定方式:夹子 是否可充电:不可充电 灯罩材质:PVC(聚氯乙烯) 开关方式:按钮开关 供电方式:USB供电 光源类型:LED 灯...
6SN1111-0AA01-1CA1 6SN1111-0AA01-2BA0 6SN1111-0AA01-2BB0 6SN1111-0AA01-2CA0 6SN1111-0AA01-2CB0 6SN1111-0AA01-2DA0 6SN1111-0AA01-2DB0 6SN1111-0AA01-2EA0 6SN1111-0AA01-2EB0 6SN1111-0AA01-2FA0 6SN1111-0AA01-2FB0 6SN1111-0AA02-0BA0 ...
orcid.org/0000-0002-8095-6074 2 na1 347 accesses explore all metrics abstract we determine systems of the first order ordinary differential equations such that their group of symmetries contains a three-dimensional lie subgroup g . we represent the basis vectors of the lie algebra \(...
Primers set with the MRE flanked by the cloning site were annealed by heating to the melting temperature and cooled to room temperature (Figure 2B). The product was phosphorylated and cloned with T4 ligase into the previously digested PCZ plasmid. After ligation overnight at 4°C, the plasmid...
(TIM) *** ;* t1sc: equ $20 ; Timer 1 Status and Control Register t2sc: equ $2B ; Timer 2 Status and Control Register TOF: equ 7 ; TIM overflow flag bit TOIE: equ 6 ; TIM overflow interrupt enable bit TSTOP: equ 5 ; TIM stop bit TRST: equ 4 ; TIM reset bit PS2: equ ...
Some novel active loading strategies have been developed, such as ‘Targeted and Modular EV loading platform’ (TAMEL), where the authors fused an EV-enriched protein (for example: CD63, Lamp2b, or Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein; VSVG) to an RNA-binding domain (such as MS2 ...
乐谱《Elegy》由琴友【SixGod】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【下架此谱】或【与制谱者分享权益】。 上一首 下一首 失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) Elegy guitar 效果吉他(OVERDRIVEN GUITAR) Elegy guitar 2 贝斯(BASS...
7ce349319b34d9b3f22ca2530f88095c 407684 localization optional libreoffice-l10n-vi_7.5.0~alpha1-1_all.deb 2dada1a68fc7dad8bc236b9970d21e70 237296 localization optional libreoffice-l10n-xh_7.5.0~alpha1-1_all.deb 2f2a27a1a47ec875e289da4fa358aab1 26564 metapackages optional libreoffice-l10n...