❸“词组动词serve as”,意思是:起作用\产生效果,即:to have a particular effect or result ▌...
2 : analysis (as of a drug) to determine the presence, absence, or quantity of one or more components compare bioassay 3 : a substance to be assayed also : the tabulated result of assaying assay 2 of 2 transitive verb as·say ...
“My hometown is the same as it used to be.”“as” 那“as” 作什么成分?alexcwlin comments:Here “as” is a Preposition in a Prepositional Phrase.Analysis of sentence:“My hometown is the same as it used to be.”Subject:“My hometown” (Noun Phrase)Predicate:“is the same as it ...
Balance of payments should be 0 theoretically,meaning that CA+KA+FA should balance,but in practice this is rarely the case.Therefore,there is:net errors and omissions. Net errors and omissions reflect the imbalances resulting from imperfections...
In semantics, meaning of language is considered as the intrinsic and inherent relation to the physical world of experience. 是错的,这不是meaning的含义,而是sense。应区分meaning和sense的区别。
Linguistic Analysis as a Study of Meaning. In: Selected Papers of J. R. Firth 1952-59, Palmer, F.R. (Ed.), Longmans, Londres, pp: 12-26.J.R.Firth.Linguistic analysis as a study of meaning. . 1968Firth,J.R. Linguistic Analysis as a Study of Meaning[M].Palmer,1968....
D. the componential analysis 【答案】B 【解析】关于意义最原始的观点之一就是命名论,由柏拉图提出,认为词语只不过是其所代表的事物的名字或标记,其局限性显而易见。因此,本题的正确答案为B。 3. Which of the following is the concern of “reference”? A. It is concerned with the inherent meaning of...
刘润清《新编语言学教程》笔记和课后习题( 语义学)【圣才出品】
Asyou know, Julia is leaving soon.剑桥则对于牛津可按副词理解的,全当成连词in the same way[5]T...