Because she was not cold in the coffin before they were carting her forty miles away to bury her, flouting the will of God to do it. Refusing to let her lie in the same earth with those Bundren.(18)As I Lay Dyingis a story book, including nine important characters, that is, Addie...
As I Lay Dying Review As I Lay Dying (1930) by William Faulkner is a compelling novel that explores the complex lives of the Bundren family as they embark on a journey to fulfill their mother's dying wish. Here's why this book is worth reading: Through its multi-narrative structure,...
AS I Lay Dying ,主要讲述了美国南方农民本德伦一家(四子一女)在十几天发生的事儿。妻子死了,为满足她落叶归根的愿望,运送遗体回她故乡,一路上“灾难重重”。但并非是一个为了亲情、信仰而克服重重困难最后完成心愿的俗套故事。 全书由15个叙述者的59段独白组成,无其他旁白,无叙事的主导者。有很多句子都理解起...
Venice Review: ‘As I Lay Dying’ Lethargically Transposes the Faulkner Classic to Contemporary Iran In William Faulkner’s elegiac southern gothic tale As I Lay Dying there’s an oft-cited passage that resonates with the novel’s core theme of radical subjectivity: “Sometimes I think it ...
Explore the book 'As I Lay Dying' by William Faulkner. Read a summary and an analysis of the novel, review its characters, and examine why it is a...
3.Surmounting "The Anxiety of Influence "——Review of The Landing of Dust and As I Lay Dying超越“影响的焦虑”——论小说《尘埃落定》与《我弥留之际》 英文短句/例句 1.Who lay dying?;谁在弥留?——威廉·福克纳《我弥留之际》的主题分析 2.On the Tragicomical and Romantic Characters of As ...
咋眼一看之下,AS I LAY DYING和朋克党徒Bill Stevenson的合作似乎有点点奇怪,但是听完专辑之后,你会发现,原来他们对音乐快速,猛烈的追求是一致的,AILD在自己的第六张专辑里面,依旧保持了自己以往的勇猛和激进,并且时不时迸发出错乱复杂的旋律性音符来打乱我们聆听的步伐,无穷的战火在专辑《Awakened》的第一首歌开始延伸...
Novels 1930-1935: "As I Lay Dying," "Sanctuary," "Light in August," "Pylon." Ed. Joseph Blotner and Noel Polk. New York: The Library of America, 1985. 1034 pp. $27.50. Faulkner: Novels 1930-1935 is the first volume of works by a twentieth-century author to be included in the ...
Surmounting "The Anxiety of Influence "——Review of The Landing of Dust and As I Lay Dying 超越“影响的焦虑”——论小说《尘埃落定》与《我弥留之际》 更多例句>> 2) As I lay dying 我弥留之际 1. The Cultural Connotations of the Bible s Words in As I Lay Dying; ...