Where every breath she draws is full of his knocking and sawing where she can see him saying See. See what a good one I am making for you. I told him to go somewhere else. I said Good God do you want to see her in it. It’s like when he was a little boy and she says if...
作者:William Faulkner书名:As I Lay Dying《我弥留之际》英文简介:As I Lay Dying is Faulkner’s harrowing account of the Bundren family’s odyssey across the Mississippi countryside to bury Addie, their wife and mother. Narrated in turn by each of the family members—including Addie herself—as...
Explore the book 'As I Lay Dying' by William Faulkner. Read a summary and an analysis of the novel, review its characters, and examine why it is a...
William Faulkner(威廉·福克纳)简介 威廉·福克纳出生于密西西比州新奥尔巴尼,父亲是穆里·福克纳和莫德·巴特勒,是四个孩子之一(威廉·福克纳本人于1918年将姓氏改为福克纳。一个故事,也许是杜撰的,说一台打字机只是打错了他的名字,福克纳决定坚持这一变化)。由于威廉·福克纳在新奥尔巴尼的职业困境,福克纳只有五岁时,...
Faulkner's As I lay dying by André Bleikasten ; translated by Roger Little, with the collaboration of the author (Midland books, MB-159) Indiana University Press, c1973 Rev. and enl. ed : cloth : pbkdoi:10.1080/00144940.1989.9933932Ken Bennett...
我弥留之际 | As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner本书讲述的是本德仑一家送女主人艾迪归葬杰佛生镇的故事,而每个家庭成员既在叙事,又在进行着各自的心理拷问:安斯·本德仑在妻子的落葬之日便迎娶了新人,长子卡什在途中失去了一条腿:别两个儿子达尔、朱厄尔对母亲怀着深深的爱,一个自愿承担了纵火的恶名,另一个...
AS I LAY DYING TO Hal Smith Copyright 1930, and renewed 1957, by William Faulkner Darl Jewel and I come up from the field, following the path in single file. Although I am fifteen feet ahead of him, anyone watching us from the cottonhouse can see Jewel's frayed and broken straw hat ...
ISBN编号 9782070383078 作者 William Faulkner 出版时间 1990-09-01 版次印次 1 页数 576 副书名 Folio英法双语系列:威廉·福克纳:我弥留之际 正文语种 法语 纸质 轻型纸 开本 32开 出版社名称 Gallimard 装帧类型 平装-胶订 进口书分类 文学/诗歌/戏剧 ...
As I Lay Dying 作者:William Faulkner 出版社:Vintage International 副标题:The Corrected Text 出版年:1991-1-30 页数:267 定价:GBP 12.95 装帧:Paperback 丛书:Vintage International: William Faulkner ISBN:9780679732259 豆瓣评分 9.1 248人评价 5星
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