S og V vil stramme krav for statsborgerskab og får kritik S and V will tighten the requirements for citizenship and receive criticism 18. Marked propositional attitude Trods jubelbrølet betyder energiø kun lidt for dansk klimamål Despite the cheer of jubilation, Energy Island contributes...
1974 | Nation Wreckers 1975 | Harold Hillman & Peter Sartory The Living Cell free PDF 40MB 1980 | Lady Birdwood Anti-Gentilism: Longest Hatred 1991 | Gray's judgement on Irving libel trial 2000 | K Macdonald 'Die Kultur der Kritik' pdf 1983-2009+ Lobster 1975-2000 US Jew...
"Hawks Issue" of Filmkritik (Munich), May/June 1973. Wood, Robin, "To Have (Written) and Have Not (Directed)," in Film Comment (New York), May/June 1973. Haskell, Molly, "Howard Hawks: Masculine Feminine," in Film Comment (New York), March/April 1974. Cohen, M., "Hawks ...
“Is God dead?”1 This question appeared in bright red letters on the otherwise black front page of the US magazine Time on 8th April 1966.2 The cover story Is God dead? Toward a hidden God (Elson 1966) by John T. Elson (1931–2009) was published, ironically, on Good Friday, and ...
Kritik Des Aegyptischen Ornaments: Archaeologische Studie; Elwert’sche Velags-Buchhandlung: Marbrug, Germany, 1883. [Google Scholar] Cahill, J.M. Royal Rosettes. Fit for a King. Biblic. Archaeol. Rev. 1997, 23, 48–57. [Google Scholar] Olmstead, A.T. History of the Persian Empire; ...
Debates around the issues of knowledge of, and for, social work and other social justice–oriented professions are not uncommon. More prevalent are the discussions around the ways by which social work knowledge is obtained. In recent years, social work s