“as follows”是一个标准的英语短语,常用于正式地引出接下来的列表或说明。在书面英语,特别是正式文件、学术论文或商业信函中,“as follows”被广泛使用以确保表达的准确性和专业性。例如,在列举一系列步骤、条件或要点时,可以使用“as follows”来清晰地引出后续内容。 二、...
英语语法 这个问题很常见呢!在英语中,“as follows” 是正确的用法,而“as following” 则不太常见,也不符合标准的英语语法规则。 “as follows” 通常用于引导接下来的信息或列表,意思是“如下所示”。比如: The instructions are as follows: first, mix the ingredients; second, bake for 20 minutes. (说...
这其实就是as follows 与following 的用法。总的来说是多用as follows,少用following 就好。具体的阐述和解释as follows: as follows与following 的区别 简单来说As follows (不是as follow )是惯用语的构成形式,而不管前面的名词是单数还是复数形式.some regular examples as follows: The method I use is as...
1. 释义区别:- "as follow"的意思是如下,用于列举或引用多个项目或事项。- "as following"的意思是以下的,用于引用单个项目或事项。例句:- Please find the instructions as follow: read, understand, and complete the form.(请按照以下说明进行操作:阅读、理解并填写表格。)- The steps are...
1. When using "as follow" or "as following," be aware that the former is typically used with a singular noun, while the latter is used with plural nouns. For example:- "The next step as follow is to sign the contract." (Incorrect)- "The next step as follows is to ...
简单来说As follows (不是as follow )是惯用语的构成形式,而不管前面的名词是单数还是复数形式.some regular examples as follows: The method I use is as follows.我使用的方法如下 The Procedure is as follows 过程如下 Please contact him in the first instance,who is available via the following contact...
一、As follows, as follow, as following, as below, as belows 以上哪些是正确的说法?这些用法真的很常见,上学的时候帮身边的同学朋友修改英文论文,经常会看到这些表达。 工作后,看到同事写的英文邮件、报告,里面也经常看到这些表达。我相信大家肯定也都遇到过,甚至也都用过。扎心的是,用对的不多。 这四个词...
as follows和following的区别? 英文的电子邮件时常会涉及到“具体情况/列表/名单如下”这样的表达法。这其实就是as follows 与following 的用法。总的来说是多用as follows,少用following 就好。具体的阐述和解释as follows:as follows与following 的区别简单来说As follo
在英语表达中,“as follows”与“as follow”是两个不同的短语,“as follows”正确,意为“如下”,通常用于列举事项或引用文本,“as follow”则是错误的表达。例如,当你要列出具体的步骤或者说明细节时,可以这样写:“The details are as follows:”(具体细节如下:)。而“as follow”在正式...
"as following" 通常用于引出多个事物或步骤,并在句子中使用复数形式。它用于列举或描述紧随其后的多个项。例如:1. Please complete the application form as follows: fill in your personal details, provide your educational history, and answer the essay questions. (请按照以下方式填写申请表:...