As Dusk Falls est un drame interactif original d’INTERIOR/NIGHT qui explore les vies intriquées de deux familles pendant trente ans. Tout commence en 1998, lorsqu’un cambriolage vire à la tragédie dans une petite ville de l’Arizona. Les choix que vous devrez faire auront un impact sur...
As Dusk Falls a pris d'assaut la console PlayStation®4 et la console PlayStation®5, avec de nouvelles commandes haptiques et au pavé tactile, ainsi qu'une application mobile gratuite facile à utiliser. Il est possible de jouer en solo et en coop (local et en ligne jusqu'à 8 ...
Die Companion-App zu As Dusk Falls macht das Treffen von Entscheidungen im Spiel ganz leicht: Nutze einfach dein Smartphone oder Tablet zum Abstimmen. (Für den Online-Mehrspieler auf Konsole wird ein Xbox Game Pass Ultimate- oder Game Pass Core-Abonnement benötigt; separat erhältlich)....
One town. Two families. Three decades of secrets. As Dusk Falls is an original interactive drama from Interior Night and Xbox Game Studios.
As Dusk Falls foi lançado para as consolas PlayStation®4 e PlayStation®5, com novo feedback háptico e controlos de painel tátil e com uma aplicação complementar de fácil utilização. O jogo pode ser jogado por um jogador ou em cooperação local/online por até 8 ...
As Dusk Falls launched on PS4® & PS5®, with new haptic and touchpad controls, and an easy-to-use companion app. The game can be played solo, local and online co-op for up to 8 players. What will you sacrifice for the ones you love?
Online Multiplayer合作單人單機多人跨平台 Every Family has Secrets. Every Secret has a Price. 《As Dusk Falls》是由INTERIOR/NIGHT所推出,榮獲眾多獎項肯定且廣受讚譽的多人互動劇情遊戲。 本作是一部扣人心弦的犯罪劇,從1998年亞利桑那州小鎮中一起失敗的搶劫案開始,探索兩個家庭橫跨數十年的生命糾葛。在這...
As Dusk Falls Original Soundtrack ¥ 37.00 ¥ 37.00 将所有 DLC 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 《日落黄昏时》是 INTERIOR/NIGHT 的一款原创剧情互动类游戏,主线探索两个家族在三十年以来错综复杂的关系。这个沉重的故事自 1998 年一起亚利桑那州小镇发生的抢案开始,故事讲述背叛、牺牲和毅力,而您在游戏中所做...
As Dusk Falls launched on PS4® & PS5®, with new haptic and touchpad controls, and an easy-to-use companion app. The game can be played solo, local and online co-op for up to 8 players. What will you sacrifice for the ones you love?
As Dusk Falls is an original interactive drama from INTERIOR/NIGHT that explores the entangled lives of two families across thirty years. Starting in 1998 with a robbery-gone-wrong in small town Arizona, the choices you make have a powerful impact on the