As Dusk Falls est un drame interactif original d’INTERIOR/NIGHT qui explore les vies intriquées de deux familles pendant trente ans. Tout commence en 1998, lorsqu’un cambriolage vire à la tragédie dans une petite ville de l’Arizona. Les choix que vous devrez faire auront un impact sur...
As Dusk Falls' interactive crime drama is a masterwork of branching storytelling where decisions matter and repeated playthroughs are rewarded with even more revelations. 閱讀完整評論(在新分頁開啟) PC Gamer 張貼者:Luke Kemp 80 / 100 A gripping experience, despite an ending that kicks itself up ...
As Dusk Falls a pris d'assaut la console PlayStation®4 et la console PlayStation®5, avec de nouvelles commandes haptiques et au pavé tactile, ainsi qu'une application mobile gratuite facile à utiliser. Il est possible de jouer en solo et en coop (local et en ligne jusqu'à 8 ...
《As Dusk Falls》是由INTERIOR/NIGHT所推出,荣获众多奖项肯定且广受赞誉的多人互动剧情游戏。 本作是一部扣人心弦的犯罪剧,从1998年亚利桑那州小镇中一起失败的抢劫案开始,探索两个家庭横跨数十年的生命纠葛。在这个关于背叛、牺牲和坚韧心志的故事中,您所做的选择对各角色的人生将有重大影响。
As Dusk Falls Free Download - Full PC Game - DRM-Free GOG Games Title: As Dusk Falls Genre: Adventure - Role-playing - Mystery Works on: Windows (7, 8,
As Dusk Falls is an original interactive drama from INTERIOR/NIGHT that explores the entangled lives of two families across thirty years. Starting in 1998 with a robbery-gone-wrong in small town Arizona, the choices you make have a powerful impact on the characters’ lives in this uncompromising...
Is As Dusk Falls coming to PC? Source: Xbox Game Studios (Image credit: Source: Xbox Game Studios) Yes. Since it's being published by Xbox Game Studios, As Dusk Falls will also release on PC via Xbox Game Pass for PC and Steam. As Dusk Falls release date Source: Xbox Game Studios ...
As Dusk Falls is an original interactive drama from INTERIOR/NIGHT that explores the entangled lives of two families across thirty years. Starting in 1998 with a robbery-gone-wrong in small town Arizona, the choices you make have a powerful impact on the characters’ lives in this uncompromising...
As Dusk Falls è una storia drammatica originale e interattiva, sviluppata da INTERIOR/NIGHT, che esplora le vite intrecciate di due famiglie nel corso di trent'anni. La narrazione prende avvio nel 1998 con un furto con scasso fallito in una piccola città dell'Arizona, e le scelte che ...
As Dusk Falls launched on PS4® & PS5®, with new haptic and touchpad controls, and an easy-to-use companion app. The game can be played solo, local and online co-op for up to 8 players. What will you sacrifice for the ones you love?