as const是TypeScript中的一个用于修饰符,它可以被用来修改类型推断的行为。 当as const修饰符用在变量声明或表达式的类型上时,它会强制 TypeScript 将变量或表达式的类型视为不可变的(immutable)。这意味着,如果你尝试对变量或表达式进行修改,TypeScript 会报错。 例如: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI...
importGUIfrom'lil-gui';constgui=newGUI();constmyObject={myBoolean:true,myFunction:function(){...},myString:'lil-gui',myNumber:1};gui.add(myObject,'myBoolean');// Checkboxgui.add(myObject,'myFunction');// Buttongui.add(myObject,'myString');// Text Fieldgui.add(myObject,'myNumber...
const object = { a: { b: { 1 } } } const path = 'a.b' // lodash _.get(object, path) // react-lodash <Get object={object} path={path} />Also every react-lodash component accepts a children render prop:<Get object={object} path={path}> {value => <UpperCase string={value...
const a = function(callback: (err:any,data:string) => void):void{ callback(null,'balls'); } a(function(err:any,data:string){ console.log(err,data) }) ``` IS BETTER THAN THIS ES6: ``` const a = function(callback){ callback(null,'balls'); } a(function(err,data){ console...
constmapState=(state:RootState)=>{}constmapDispatch={someThunk};typeMyCompProps=ReturnType&typeofmapDispatch&PropsFromParent; This is because the thunk's real type is() => (dispatch, getState) => void. However, from the component's point of view, it's just() => void. React-Redux ...
/** * Return type of something */ interface PromiseReturnType { /** * The unique identifyer */ id: number /** * JSDoc hint for the name */ name: string } const a: Promise<PromiseReturnType> = new Promise(...) const props = await a // you will get the hint here ...
('webpack-virtual-modules');// Create an empty set of virtual modulesconstvirtualModules=newVirtualModulesPlugin();varcompiler=webpack({// ...plugins:[virtualModules]});compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('MyPlugin',function(compilation){virtualModules.writeModule('node_modules/module-foo.js','');}...
.*$/ }, async ({ path })=>{ const source = await readFile(path).then(buf=>'' + buf) return { contents: preprocess( source, { DEBUG: '1' }, { type: 'js' }), loader: 'ts' } }) } } } } How does hyop compare with other Hypermedia libraries such as HTMX? Hyop ...
function mandatory(params) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) { if (!value) { throw Error(`Mandatory param error: ${key} can't be null`); } } } Usage: functionThatRequiresParams = (paramA, param2) => { mandatory({paramA, param2}); console.log('a ok'); ...
const Wrapper = ({children}) => { const exampleFunction = () => {} return ( {children({exampleFunction})} ) } const ImplementationComponent = () => { const exampleFunction = () => {} return ( <Wrapper> {({exampleFunction}) => ( // <Components...>...