这部分要了解氮元素和硫元素分子结构和离子性质。 13. Introduction to Organic Chemistry Definitions, Functional Groups, Nomenclature, Formulae and Yield Hybridisation in Carbon and Bond Formation Shapes of Molecules and Ions 有机化学是考试的大重点。在AS阶段要了解有机物的定义,官能团,命名法和化学式以及产...
【Alevel化学AS】10-1 有机化学入门 Introduction to organic chemistry 疯狂的连老师 7496 5 【Alevel化学AS】1-4 元素周期表中的趋势Trends in the Periodic Table 疯狂的连老师 1106 4 【Alevel化学AS】3-6 分子间作用力(1)Intermolecular forces 1 疯狂的连老师 1362 2 【Alevel物理AS】4-3 胡克定律...
这部分要了解氮元素和硫元素分子结构和离子性质。 13.Introduction to Organic Chemistry Definitions,Functional Groups,Nomenclature,Formulae and Yield Hybridisation in Carbon and Bond Formation Shapes of Molecules and Ions 有机化学是考试的大重点。在AS阶段要了解有机物的定义,官能团,命名法和化学式以及产率的计...
Topic 1 Formulae, Equations and Amount of Substance (分子式、方程与物质的量) Topic 2 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table (原子结构与元素周期律) Topic 3 Bonding and Structure (化学键及其结构) Topic 4 Introductory Organic Chemistry and Alkanes (有机化学与烷烃) Topic 5 Alkenes (烯烃) 在Top...
【AS Chemistry】 1-1 Subatomic particles 25:27 【AS Chemistry】 1-2 Ionisation energy IE 32:53 【AS Chemistry】 1-3 Electron configuration 53:47 【AS Chemistry】 1-4 Trends in the Periodic Table 35:37 摩尔计算 【AS Chemistry】 2-1 Ar and Mr 20:15 【AS Chemistry】 2-2 Accurate ...
Topic 2 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table (原子结构与元素周期律) Topic 3 Bonding and Structure (化学键及其结构) Topic 4 Introductory Organic Chemistry and Alkanes (有机化学与烷烃) Topic 5 Alkenes (烯烃) 在Topic 1中,学员将会学习一些基础的化学概念,分子式与方程式的书写,以及如何运用公式进行...
the charges on some simple ions related to the position of the elements in the Periodic Table. The form of the Periodic Table that we shall be using has 18 groups because the transition elements are numbered as Groups 3 to 12. So, aluminium is in Group 13 and chlorine is in Group 17...
当当上海外文书店旗舰店在线销售正版《预订 OCR AS/A Level Year 1 Chemistry A Workbook: Foundations in chemistry; Periodic table》。最新《预订 OCR AS/A Level Year 1 Chemistry A Workbook: Foundations in chemistry; Periodic table》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片
Dynamic Periodic Table 动态元素周期表 http://www.ptable.com/ Exciting Chemistry Experiments 有意思的化学实验卤素与铁反应,碱金属与水反应等实验视频都能在这个网站上面找到。 http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/resource/res00002231/teachers-tv-chemistry-exciting-elements ...
We use the average mass of the atom of a particular element because most elements are mixtures of isotopes. For example, the exact Ar of hydrogen is 1.0079. This is very close to 1 and most periodic tables give theAr ofhydrogenas 1.0. However, some elements in the Periodic Table have va...