在pressure很大的时候需要讨论volume of gaseous molecules and their IMF;在temperature很低的时候只需要IMF。 AS chemistry当中,计算oxidation number可以出比较难的题目,KMnO4和K2Cr2O7这两个物质是历年“分数刺客”,被它们偷袭的学生数不胜数。 Reaction rate一般会结合diagram of amount vs time来考察学生,会让大家计...
相对而言,第一部分Physical Chemistry是最简单的部分,也是选择题中比较靠前的题目,建议大家迅速过,千万不要在这上面多花时间。小编认为稍微有点难度的应该是Equilibria,比如Le Chatelier’s Principle,Haber process等。 第二部分Inorganic Chemistry主要考察...
最麻烦的Organic Chemistry放在最后,我们先来说说Physical Chemistry和Inorganic Chemistry。 相对而言,第一部分Physical Chemistry是最简单的部分,也是选择题中比较靠前的题目,建议大家迅速过,千万不要在这上面多花时间。小编认为稍微有点难度的应该是Equilibria,比如Le Chatelier’s Principle,Haber process等。 第二部分Ino...
相对而言,第一部分Physical Chemistry是最简单的部分,也是选择题中比较靠前的题目,建议大家迅速过,千万不要在这上面多花时间。小编认为稍微有点难度的应该是Equilibria,比如Le Chatelier’s Principle,Haber process等。 第二部分Inorganic Chemistry主要考察一些特殊元素,物质的性质及其规律,所以重点就在于记忆上。但死记...
A chemistry clinic – where students will have the full support of a chemistry teacher once a week so they can have help completing homeworks and revising difficult parts of the exam. 2. An online website – currently in development – students will be able to access all powerpoints and a...
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level CHEMISTRY 9701/13 Paper 1 Multiple Choice May/June 2016 1 hour Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet * Soft clean eraser 5 Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) 7 6 Data Booklet 1 6...
Data Booklet is provided.At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.CHEMISTRY 9701/21 Paper 2 Structured Questions AS Core May/June 2013 1 hour 15 minutesCandidates answer ...
剑桥联盟化学 Cambridge chemistry AS-9701_s13_qp_21.pdf,w w w .X t r e m e P UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS a p e General Certifi cate of Education r s .c Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level o m * 7 6 CHEMISTRY 9701/21 3 5 P
30 Use of the Data Booklet is relevant to this question.An experiment is set up as shown to study the corrosion of iron.P QFe(s)-Fe(s)K2SO4(aq)What will occur at electrodes P and Q? B electrode P electrode Q Ano change in mass decrease in mass and H2 evolved。no change in mass...
This document consists of 13 printed pages and 3 blank pages. IB08 11_9701_01/3RP © UCLES 2008 [Turn over *8801464624* UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level CHEMISTRY 9701/01 Paper 1 Multiple Choice October...