1、win10 系统环境下先安装docker desktop 2、在Visual Studio 2022 新建.net 6.0 的web api 项目,我取名ShipService,如下图: 2、项目结构, 含有dockerfile如下图: 3、用鼠标右击dockerfile生成docker镜像,如下图: 4、等待docker镜像生成成功后,会在docker desktop 存在ShipService 镜像,如下图: 5、打开win10...
指定网站访问端口5000。 public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) => WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) //必须指定端口,否则在Win10命令行运行端口是5000,在CentOS docker运行端口是80 .UseUrls("http://*:5000") .UseStartup<Startup>(); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 为了调试方便,把...
adobe flash builder 4.6软件 1创建项目 1 打开fb软件,首次呈现是这样。2 选择创建纯as项目。菜单栏新建下面有:flex项目,flex库项目……, 我们选择actonScript项目。3 给项目取个名字吧 2项目设置 1 项目创建完后,默认是这样的。如果点击运行的话是网页中打开。2 设置窗口运行打开是窗口,首先右击工程,选择...
1Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, the experience writer is skilled in the handling of his words.A.asB.thusC.soD.like 2Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, ___ the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words. A....
命名空间: System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder 程序集: System.Data.Entity.dll 返回作为键/值对象指的定参数。重载展开表 As(DbAggregate, String) 返回作为键/值对象指的定参数。 As(DbExpression, String) 返回作为键/值对象指的定参数。
VideoOptions videoOptions = new VideoOptions.Builder() .setStartMuted(isVideoMute) .build(); NativeAdOptions adOptions = new NativeAdOptions.Builder() .setVideoOptions(videoOptions) .build(); AdLoader adLoader = new AdLoader.Builder(this, adUnitId) ...
若要在最小 API 应用程序中的依赖关系注入 (DI) 中注册服务,建议不要使用ConfigureServices策略。 规则说明 若要在最小 API 应用程序中配置日志记录,建议不要使用ConfigureServices策略。 C# varbuilder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); builder.Host.ConfigureServices(services => { services.AddAntiforgery(); ...
11.InnerBuilder 二、资源文件的管理和自动生成有关: 1.svgtoandroid 2.Android Holo Colors Generator 3.Android Drawable Importer(36M,有点大) 快速批量导入不同大小的drawable文件 4.Android Material Design Icon Generator 是一个可以生成【Material Design图标】的插件。
This branch is154 commits ahead ofadrienkaiser/DTIAtlasBuilder:master. README Apache-2.0 license DTIAtlasBuilder Current stable release:1.6.4(06/27/2020) What is it? A tool to create an atlas from several DTI images Find the tool onNITRCandGitHub ...
GPT Builder a fost retrasImportant: Microsoft eliminat capacitatea de a crea sau a utiliza GPT-uri (create de Microsoft și de clienți) împreună cu datele lor GPT asociate pe 14 iulie 2024. Data de sfârșit al perioadei de asistență pentru Copilot GPT în ...