表面看,我们这个世界充满了资源与机遇,但真正的生存不仅依赖简单的行动与对自然的利用,更需深刻反思所处环境与时代。法国AS建筑工作室(Architecturestudio,以下简写为“工作室”)在50周年之际引用古典文学家拉封丹的这句话,展现对当下挑战的关注和思考,也体现了工作室面对复杂环境和社会剧变时设计理念的转变。 * 在阿...
摄影师 RAWVISION studio 特别鸣谢 Marc-Antoine Durand, Katie Filek (AS Found),Galleria Continua, Studio Joanie Lemercier 合作伙伴 法国洁弗乐Gerflor,瑞士西卡Sika 媒体支持 言长文化 官网 www.architecturestudio.fr 上海办公室 T: +...
On October 11, 2024, the closing forum of the*Tracé Bleu*50th-anniversary exhibition entitled "Architecturestudio in China: 20 years of Practice and Beyond" was successfully held in Shanghai. The forum began with an ...
法国AS建筑工作室(Architecturestudio,以下简写为“工作室”)在50周年之际,在@阿那亚北岸友谊湾171Space举办了工作室50周年纪念展览“Tracé Bleu 蓝图”。 🔴在扎根法国文化的基础上,团队由来自全球的建筑师组成,秉持多元融合的设计思维,强调技术理性与多文化理念碰撞与融合。工作室长期采用名为“红图”(Tracé Rouge...
Marc-Antoine Durand, Katie Filek (AS Found),Galleria Continua, Studio Joanie Lemercier 合作伙伴 法国洁弗乐Gerflor,瑞士西卡Sika 媒体支持 言长文化 官网 www.architecturestudio.fr 上海办公室 T: +862163810066 E: as.co@architecture-studio.com.cn...
In Architecture-Studio, context has been considered a guiding issue, in terms of bringing not only a building, but a site, a location, an area to life. In terms of viewing architecture itself as a living discipline, with buildings forming vital elements of the larger, changing city. It is...
法国AS建筑工作室,于1973年在巴黎创立,现已有多个分事务所及公司,是一个集优秀设计师、涉及多方面建筑领域的专业团队。在建筑领域已获得银尺奖、阿卡·汗建筑奖、Losange奖及金刚奖等多个奖项。简介 于1973年在巴黎创立的法国AS建筑工作室,现今,在事务所十二位设计师周围,团结了一批25个不同国籍的优秀建筑师,...
9 years after winning a competition to restructure paris' maison de la radion, AS architecture-studio has completed a major milestone in the development's regeneration.
Novancia Business School / AS.Architecture StudioAS.Architecture StudioArchdaily