The Thinking Skills syllabus also enables students to approach their other subjects with an improved ability to understand, analyse and resolve problems. As a result, students find the course of great benefit when preparingfor higher education and for a wide range of careers, inclu...
Cambridge learners develop the ability to explain, evaluate and analyse economic issues and arguments. They gain lifelong skills and a solid foundation for further study. Key concepts At both the AS and A Level the Cambridge syllabus refers to certain key concepts. These are: Scarcity and choice:...
Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education and fully supporting the requirements of the latest Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry syllabus (9701) for first examination in 2016, this series comprehensively covers all the knowledge and skills students need during this course. ...
A理解物理量包含大小和单位 B对课本中出现的物理量能进行合理的大小估计 2.SI单位 A七个基本量 B将课本中出现的物理量化成七个基本量的积或者商 C用基本量检查等式的正确性(dimensionalanalysis) D物理量前缀:p,n,μ,m,c,d,k,M,G,T E理解并使用坐标标注的传统方法 3.阿伏加德罗常量 A理解...
available in both print and e-book formats, offers comprehensive syllabus coverage and a clear division of content into AS and A Level material. Fully endorsed by CIE and presented in full colour, it offers a truly international perspective on the study of economics. Written in a clear and.....
1.2 Why choose Cambridge International AS and A Level? 1.3 Why choose Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics? 1.4 Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) Diploma 1.5 How can I find out more? 2. Assessment at a glance 5 3. Syllabus aims and objectives 8 3.1...
先放两年的Syllabus进行对比 壹 As的经济大纲看起来更像入门,介绍一些最基本的经济概念,而A2年级涵盖的内容更加广阔难度也升级许多。总的来说,A2年级的知识更像是基础经济理论概念的具象化。 举个例子: 在As我们常讲经济是一门研究如何优化分配资源的学科,但有效的资源分配的标准又是什么?在A2的第一章给出了答案...
Comprehensive student-friendly resources designed for teaching Cambridge International AS and A Level English Language (syllabus 9093). The core aim of this Coursebook is to help students to develop and apply the key skills they need to achieve in AS and A Level English Language. They will build...
AlsoavailableforexaminationinMarch2020,2021and2022forIndiaonly. Syllabus CambridgeInternationalAS&ALevel Mathematics9709 WhychooseCambridge? CambridgeAssessmentInternationalEducationpreparesschoolstudents orli e,helpingthemdevelopanin ormed curiosityandalastingpassion orlearning.Weareparto theUniversityo Cambridge. Ourint...
Comprehensively review the content of the Cambridge International AS & A Level syllabus Revise efficiently, with concise summaries of key terms and points, arranged by topic and linked to the 'In Context' Student Book Explore exam strategies and learn to avoid common mistakes using worked examples ...