What is 98/2 as a whole number? Converting Fractions to Decimals: We often convert fractions to decimals as some fractions are cumbersome and difficult to work with while it is much easier to compare two different decimal values than two fractions. For example, 13/63 and 3/11 are difficul...
What is 8/4 as a whole number? Improper Fractions: Whenever the numerator of a fraction is larger than the denominator, the fraction is known as an improper fraction. Normally, we need to convert this to a whole number or a mixed number. It can only be a whole number if the numerator...
The number 0.5 is a decimal that is equivalent to 1/2. It cannot be written as a whole number because it represents a part of a whole. You can write... Learn more about this topic: Whole Number | Definition, Properties & Examples ...
题目can bethoughtofas a whole number andafracion.3Complete the statements below to showthe number ofwholes and the factional partthatmakeupThere is a btal ofwhosinThe remaining ractonalpartis1/3 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 (11)/3
For questions 26 to 30,shade the answer as a whole number from 0 to 999 in the space provided on the answer sheet. Question 26 is 6 marks, question 27 is 7 marks, question 28 is 8 marks, question 29 is 9 marks and question 30 is 10 marks....
asb. pay money for a new bag sb。 薪水金钱为一个新的袋子[translate] areset position 复位位置[translate] aThe number of must be at least 1. 的数字必须是至少1。[translate] aFREDDY FREDDY[translate] aWest side advertising media 西边广告介质[translate] ...
相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答案见上 结果一 题目 ①Aswhole, the number of the people whodrive after drinking is smaller and smaller. 答案 答案见上相关推荐 1①Aswhole, the number of the people whodrive after drinking is smaller and smaller....
In a word, the whole society should pay more attention to how to keep healthy. Only in this way can we improve our immunity and keep away from diseases. 1.我们怎样才能保持健康? 最近,一种对人类健康危害极大的新型冠状病毒袭击了全世界。因...
高考原句: Short writings missed as a result of an excused absence will be accepted.因请假缺课的论文将被接受。 (2022年新高考Ⅰ卷)as a whole总的来说 高考原句:The epidemic (流行病) peak had passed in China as a whole. 中国的流行病高峰总的来说已经过去了。(2020 年江苏卷)as far as …...
1翻译下面句子.翻译器误入会第一时间确定的,翻译成中文1.In business as a whole there are a number of factorsencouraging the prospect of greater equality in the workforce.2.An island sixkilometers long and with a total area of 1248 hectares is being created there.3.This is a520-hectare island...