Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for As a Man Thinketh 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 As a Man Thinketh 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 想要...
As A Man Thinketh – James Allen PDFEmile Coue
今日看到我们可爱的德国教授在阅读一本很薄的书《As a Man Thinketh》,便去和他唠嗑唠嗑,向他了解下这本书讲什么内容的。他说这本书是人对人生的思考,已经读了十多次了,每次阅读都能给他带来启发。 便好奇地去网上查询这本书,发现这本书的中文版在网上竟然没有,英文版大多数都要收费,反而在一个国外网站(h...
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Download a FREE eBook of As A Man Thinketh, the 113-year-old timeless classic by James Allen. Three formats so you can read on any device.
As a Man Thinketh = As a Person Thinks表达意思为:一个人正如他自己所想的那样,或因为他那样想所以成了那样的人,或他的想法正好体现了他那个人。再结合全书表达的意思,人是自己思想进化的生物,是自己思想的结果。(因为思想在不断塑造着一个人,所以思想的想法是原因,人呈现的状态是结果。) ...
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to those acts called "spo...
出自《圣经》;[一] 《圣经》原本,《圣经》 箴言第七章[Bible from the Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7]原句:“As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.”[二] James Allen的一本书,出版于1902年,书名受到《圣经》影响取名为《As a Man Thinketh》:全段如下:Eat thou not...
“As a Man Thinketh”直接翻译为“正如一个人所思”,它不仅是詹姆斯·艾伦所著书籍《人如其想》的原名,更蕴含了深刻的哲理,即
james allen - as a man thinketh(中文名《思考的人》《结果法则》.doc,PAGE 北斗成功社区 成功/励志/财经/致富/创业/管理/修身/智慧 助您解决成长中的问 题 BeiDouW AS A MAN THINKETH BY JAMES ALLEN Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes, And Man is Mind, a