Make sure you have communicated with your friend about how frequently each of you wants to be contacted and what method works best for you both.2.. There are alternatives to constant written communication, such as leaving voice messages or having a group chat. ...
First use a text to speech site to get an audio file of a transcript you want to use. This one calledFreeTTSfor example is free with a number of voice options. Note this one does have limits on number of times you can use it in any one week. Another thing to note is that some ...
fall and atmosphere, and it delivered, interspersing music and the spoken word. The event begun with a composition from the ensemble and they punctuated every poet’s performance, creating room for breach and reflection and time for the poems to wash over the crowd and reset the mood for t...
In 1845, John Chapman became sick and developed pneumonia during a visit to Fort Wayne. He died in the home of a friend, William Worth. Chapman was seventy years old. He was buried near Fort Wayne. The marker(碑文)over his burial place reads, “ ” 【1】For what purpose did Chapman ...
It transpired that a friend of hers had interviewed an aging TV director who was still working despite being in his eighties. He said what kept him young was a conscious decision to have ‘deliberate fun.’ Deliberate fun; I like that. Such is the daily grind that I think we could all...
A friend recommended I check out Wolfram|Alpha’s finance tools, and they’ve became indispensable in my group’s casework for the semester. Each proposed future investment we were met with, we would go directly to Wolfram|Alpha to compute the cash flows. We even went as far to show ...
Georges Bardot, a 78-year-old pensioner from eastern France, also pointed to large numbers of foreign tourists amid the holiday hustle and bustle in the City of Light. "We heard every language except French spoken on the metro," Bardot laughed. ...
“Another thunderous explosion had rocked the room, provoking a few ironic cheers. I then noticed a little way in front of me, some French windows had opened and people had pushed out to the balcony. “Don’t worry Mr Banks,” a young man said, grasping my elbow. “There’s no chance...
I think of a friend I used to have who always built the fires when we all went together to a cabin in the mountains. He was proud of his Boy Scout roots and seemed to relish the responsibility. I never asked him how he did it and he never stopped to explain and I thought it was...
New York based parent company. In 2021 she was named an Enterprising Woman of the Year by the national publication Enterprising Women. In December of 2023, Donovan sold Bozell to a group of employees ...