AS 60038—2012 A S 6 0 0 3 8 — 2 0 1 2 Australian Standard® Standard voltages ) d e t n i r p n e h w d e e t n a r a u g t o n y c n e r r u c t n e m u c o D ( 5 1 0 2 l u J 4 2 n o Y R A R B I L Y T I S R E V I N...
AS 60038 (2000) 下载积分: 200 内容提示: AS 60038—2000Australian Standard™Standard voltages[Modified and including the full text of IEC 60038:1983]AS 60038Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 17 Sep 2008 文档格式:PDF | 页数:17 | 浏览次数:183 | 上传日期:2012-07-14 13:14:09 |...
Standard voltages 预览AS IEC 60038:2022前三页 标准号 AS IEC 60038:2022 2022年 总页数 22页 发布单位 澳大利亚标准协会 当前最新 AS IEC 60038:2022 适用范围 AS IEC 60038:2022采用IEC 60038:2009+AMD1:2021 CSV,提供了有关交直流输电、配电和利用系统和设备的详细信息。
Standard voltages首页 标准 AS IEC 60038:2022 标准全文 AS IEC 60038:2022 预览[下载] 谁引用了AS IEC 60038:2022 发布历史AS IEC 60038:2022点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 AS IEC 60038:2022 发布 2022年 总页数 22页 发布单位 澳大利亚标准协会 当前最新 AS IEC 60038:2022 购买 正式版 AS ...
as 600382000 australian standard standard voltages modified and including the full text of iec 60038:1983 as 60038 acces,人人文库,
IEC standard voltages (IEC 60038:1983 + A1:1994 + A2:1997); Implementation of HD 472 S1:1989 + Cor. as HD 472 S1:2002-02doi:DIN IEC 60038
System design guidelines 60038 Standard voltages AS/NZS 1125 Conductors in insulated electric cables and flexible cords 1170 Structural design actions 1170.2 Part 2: Wind actions 1768 Lightning protection 3000 Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules) 3008.1.1 Part 1.1:...
STANDARD by Standards Australia, 11/17/2023. LANGUAGES: English+Chinese 原文+翻译 HISTORICAL EDITIONS: AS 3778.6.6-2008, AS 3778.6.6-1992 AS 60034.26-2009 Amd 1:2023 Rotating electrical machines, Part 26: Effects of unbalanced voltages on the performance of three-phase induction motors ...
AS 4777 4777.3 60038 AS/NZS 3100 60950 60950.1 Grid connection of energy systems via inverters Part 3: Grid protection requirements Standard voltages Approval and test specification—General requirements for electrical equipment Information technology equipment—Safety Part 1: General requirements 61000 ...