规定了家庭潮湿区域防水材料、设计和安装的最低要求。Sets out minimum requirements for the materials, design and installation of waterproofing for domestic wet areas.国内潮湿区域防水, Domestic wet
规定了住宅建筑内淋浴区和偶尔淋湿或溅水区域的防水设计要求和材料。符合本标准要求的各种墙体/地板组合的施工技术包含在附录中。Specifies design requirements and materials for the waterproofing of shower areas and areas subject
Amendment 2 to AS 3740-1994 - Waterproofing of wet areas within residential buildingsStandards Australia
指定住宅建筑内淋浴区和偶尔淋湿或溅水区域防水的设计要求和材料。符合本标准要求的各种墙体/地板组合的施工技术包含在附录中。Specifies design requirements and materials for the waterproofing of shower areas and areas subject