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2024肺癌ASCO最新进展之Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (sac-TMT; Also Known asSKB264MK-2870)in Combination With KL-A167 (Anti-PD-L1)as First-Line Treatment for Patients With Advanced NSCLCFrom the Phase ll OptiTRoP-Lung01 Study.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ...
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IMAGE SOURCE: 3D-model of DNA. Credit: Michael Ströck/Wikimedia/ GNU Free Documentation Lic Tissues and Organs are composed of cells that look the same but have different roles. For example, single-cell analysis allows us to research and test the cells within an organ or cancerous tumor....
Informed written consent was obtained from all patients and the study was approved by the Local Ethics Committee (05-2870) and performed according to the declaration of Helsinki. Tumors were classified according to the WHO classification of tumors of the female genital tract. Grading was conducted ...
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Concentrations in nmol/L in level 1 (solid bars) and level 2 (dotted bars) QC materials were normetanephrine (NMT) 1350, 7300; metanephrine (MET) 370, 2870; 3-methoxytyramine (3MT) 76, 2620; noradrenaline (NAD) 230, 1070; adrenaline (ADR) 90, 530; dopamine (DOP) 600, 3380. In...
FT-IR (KBr, νmax/cm−1): 3292 (NH), 2959, 2926, 2870, 1719, 1684, 1558, 1506, 1456, 1387, 1339, 1314, 1238, 1119, 1055, 1024, 993, 875, 760, 739, 669. HRMS (ESI) m/z found: 1224.5420, [M]+ C68H72N8O10S2 requires 1224.4813; 1225.6148, [M+H]+ C68H73N8O10S2 ...
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