DOWNLOADHERE 1/2 AS1684.2-1999Residentialtimber-framedconstruction-Non... http://.saiglobal/PDFTemp/Previews/OSH/as/as1000/1600/16842.pdf ThisAustralianStandardwaspreparedbyCommitteeTM/2,TimberFraming.ItwasapprovedonbehalfoftheCouncilofStandardsAustraliaon5November1999 AS1684.4—2006Residentialtimber-framed...
As data, we use the Finnish sub-survey from the third wave of the international survey Children’s Worlds, The International Survey of Children’s Well-being (ISCWeB) for 2018–2019 (N = 1684), which we analyze using linear probability regression models. Results show that both measured...
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at the mouth of the Rupert River. It was later known as Rupert House, and developed as the community of present-day Waskaganish, Quebec. Rupert House (1668) was later superseded by York Factory (1684), which became the main post because of its convenient access to the vast interior water...
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