AS 1657 1992 图 1 1 倾斜限制 1 4 此标准的作用 采用以下定义 1 4 1 接受 由有权限的权威结构 1 4 2 地面 平台 走道或登陆处表面 1 4 3 距离 楼梯上从一级的前缘到另一级的前缘的水平距离 1 4 4 护栏 防止人员从平台 走道或楼梯过渡平台跌落的结构 1 4 5 扶手 在平台 走道 或踏板梯子上提供...
Gangways, Stairways and Ladders, to supersede AS 1657—1992. The Committee considered a number of International Standards on the subject of platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders for gaining access to machinery. While some of the material from these Standards has been included, the Committee ...
AS1657-1992 澳洲梯子平台 标准 下载积分: 400 内容提示: AS 1657—1992Australian StandardFixed platforms, walkways,stairways and ladders — Design,construction and installationThis is a free 6 page sample. Access the full version online.
AS 1657-1992 固定平台、通道、楼梯
AS 1657-1992 固定平台、通道、楼梯
We hypothesized there would be a significant effect of membrane cholesterol on these regions in free CB2.We anticipated three alternatives for the effect of ligand type on the simulation results: (1) no obvious effect of ligand; (2) effects specific to the experimentally observed ligand ...
In an electron-free environment, the operation at room temperature contributes to a more efficient ion extraction. The field produced by the grounded extraction electrode penetrates into the anode volume and decreases the potential near the outlet aperture. Ions created in this region are guided ...
W. Li, J. Zhang, Recent developments in the synthesis and utilization of chiral b-aminophosphine derivatives as catalysts or ligands, Chem. Soc. Rev. 45 (2016) 1657-1677.Inmaculada Fernandez,Noureddine Khiar. Recent developments in the synthesis and utilization of chiral sulfoxides[J].Chemical...
In addition, proteins in free form are very susceptible to environmental conditions and their antibacterial activity diminishes in the long term as a result of conformational changes and agglomeration [20]. Moreover, their covalent attachment to surfaces might reduce their antibacterial activity as some...
The proton NMR spectrum of a portion of the product, dissolved in deuterium oxide, showed a singlet at δ 3.21 ppm assigned to the six methyl groups and a doublet at δ 4.31 ppm (J=7.0 Hz) assigned to the three methylene groups, and was free of impurity peaks. The uncharged phosphine...