AS1627是澳大利亚标准的第1627号标准,标准内容是:金属加工 表面的加工与预处理 方法选择指南,是个系列标准,从1627.1到1627.9
1627 Metal finishing—Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces 1627.0 Part 0 Method selection guide 1627.1 Part 1: Cleaning using liquid solvents or alkaline solutions 1627.2 Part 2: Power tool cleaning 1627.4 Part 4: Abrasive blast cleaning
校长寄语1627 星级: 3 页 AS-1627 6-2003 星级: 37 页 AS-1627 1-2003 星级: 21 页 AS-1627 4-2005 星级: 37 页 AS-1627 9-2002 星级: 13 页 B1627 星级: 3 页 AS1627_1 星级: 14 页 AS1627_4 星级: 24 页 1627自己去吧 星级: 9 页 AS...
1627 Metal finishing—Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces 1627.0 Part 0: Method selection guide 1627.1 Part 1: Removal of oil, grease and related contamination 1627.2 Part 2: Power tool cleaning 1627.4 Part 4: Abrasive blast cleaning
the series is as follows: as 1627 metal finishingpreparation and pretreatment of surfaces 1627.0 part 0: method selection guide 1627.1 part 1: removal of oil, grease and related contamination 1627.2 part 2: power tool cleaning 1627.4 part 4: abrasive blast cleaning 1627.5 part 5: pickling 1627.6...
AS 1627.4—2002ISO 8504-2:2000Australian Standard™Metal finishing—Preparation andpretreatment of surfacesPart 4: Abrasive blast cleaning[ISO title: Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints andrelated products—Surface preparation methods, Part 2: Abrasive blast-cleaning]AS 1627.4This...
The series comprises the following Parts: AS 1627 1627.0 1627.1 1627.2 1627.4 1627.5 1627.6 1627.9 Metal finishing—Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces Part 0: Method selection guide Part 1: Removal of oil, grease and related contamination Part 2: Power tool cleaning Part 4: Abrasive blast ...
晨光可旋转订书机订书器办公学生用中号多功能中缝360度可旋转订书机12号订中缝装订机ASB91627 1个旋转订书机+1盒钉ABS92616 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择颜色 1个旋转订书机+1盒钉ABS92616 1个旋转订书机+10盒钉ABS92616 ...
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