(əˈsɔɪl) vb(tr) 1.to absolve; set free 2.to atone for [C13: from Old Frenchassoldre,from Latinabsolvereto absolve] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, ...
2014as家夏装新品舒服人棉烫金印花小鸟V领可挽袖衬衫女 '<p class="widget-custom offerdetail_common_attributes"><p class="widget-custom-container"><p class="mod-detail-attributes mod-info mod"><table><tr><td>尺码:S,M,L,XL</td></tr></table></p></p></p><p class="widget-custom off...
American Psychiatric Association (2000). "Diagnostic criteria for 299.80 Asperger's Disorder (AD)". Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association. ISB...
tr.v. as·sailed, as·sail·ing, as·sails 1. To attack violently, as with blows or military force; assault. 2. To attack verbally, as with ridicule or censure. See Synonyms at attack. 3. To trouble or beset, as with questions or doubts. [Middle English assailen, from Old French...
在精神病学常用的美国心理学会的诊断基准 (DSM-IV-TR) 当中,则称之为亚斯伯格障碍。人际关系的障碍,对他人情绪的推测力,也就是有精神理论(Theory of mind)障碍的特征。对特定的范畴会表现出特别执着,运动机能也会显现出轻微障碍。但像自闭症一般带有语言障碍与智力障碍则较为少数。对视觉和背诵方面的表现普遍良好...
Muestras, descuentos, cupones, trucos parar ahorrar. Más de 880.000 personas ahorran con la comunidad de ahorro más grande en español creada por Mapi Amela
NIPSNAP1 and NIPSNAP2 were previously identified as binding partners of LC3 and GABARAP proteins (Behrends et al., 2010, Rigbolt et al., 2014). Hence, both endogenous NIPSNAP1 and in-vitro translated NIPSNAP1 and NIPSNAP2 interacted with all human LC3 and GABARAP proteins overexpressed as...
Supermicro SYS-620TP-HC9TR X12 AS -2014TP-HTR H12 SYS-2029TP-HTR SYS-6029TP-HTR X11 Supermicro Twinpro Twin Pro Rack Server, You can get more details about Supermicro SYS-620TP-HC9TR X12 AS -2014TP-HTR H12 SYS-2029TP-HTR SYS-6029TP-HTR X11 Supermicro Twi
Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo longitudinal que incluyó 78 pacientes con trastorno delirante (DSM-IV-TR) que ingresaron consecutivamente en nuestro centro en un período de 10 años. Se realizó un seguimiento de los pacientes durante un año con el objetivo de describir variabl...
v.tr. 1. To make black: blacked their faces with charcoal. 2. To apply blacking to: blacked the stove. 3. Chiefly British To boycott as part of a labor union action. v.intr. To become black.Phrasal Verb: black out 1. To lose consciousness or memory temporarily: blacked out at ...