Interdisziplinre Kommunikation: Augenarztbriefe an diabetologische Schwerpunktpraxen (DSP)Although standardized forms are widely distributed in the ophthalmologists' communication with diabetologists, there is room for improvement in the face of the low report rate to enable a timely consideration of ...
D.BüttnerKlinik für Adominal- und Transplantationschirurgie (Leiter: Prof. Dr. R. Pichlmayr) der Medizinischen HochschuleLangenbeck's archives of surgery
As the work involved is rational and inexpensive, the use of semiautomatic medical reports is a practical alternative to the conventional ways of writing from dictation in certain areas.doi:10.1007/BF01257706D. BüttnerSpringer-VerlagLangenbecks Archiv fü Chirurgie...