means Aryan Paper Group has developed a unique & innovative emergency hospital bed by using high-quality kraft paper-based corrugated board and high strength paper to fight the — NAGELLA TRINATH (@nagellatrinath)April 17, 2020 ...
which means that stressing a specific rhythm for syllables in words, and words in phrases, is critical. This is of secondary importance in your language, so you may not pay much attention to it, but if you are going to use English as a public speaker, or communicate with native speakers...
“He sees the boy,”ləṛke-ko miṭhaī do“Give a sweet to the boy.” Other postpositions aremē“in,”pər“on,”se“from, with, by means of.” A large group of postpositions are linked to the noun with the affixka(oblique formke, femininekī), which also is used to...
A big change in Llama 3.1’s license is that it allows using model outputs to improve other LLMs, which means you can generate synthetic datasets with Llama 3.1 models and use them to fine-tune smaller, more specialized models. Let’s look at an example of how to generate a preference ...
(sādhu) through derivation and thereby serve to make understood the usage found in the Vedas. The grammar that was granted the status of aVedāṅgais that of Pāṇini. This work is referred to in toto as aśabdānuśāsana(means of instruction of correct speech forms); since the ...
Stress is not generally contrastive in New Indo-Aryan as it is, for example, in English (e.g.,noun “éxport,” verb “expórt”), though different areas have different rules for placing major emphasis on a given syllable. For example, in Hindi, in which vowel length is pertinent,gilá“...